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The Elneri Foundation

An eclectic family collection

The Elneri Foundation is comprised of six members, five male and one female, which is decidely estrogen deficient, however genetic research has not yet advanced to the level required to apply affirmative action to familial situations.

Randy Sara Kenny Noah Ian Ander

Ander Jacobson

Ander James Chase Jacobson

I am Ander. Hear me roar! Rahr.

Ander is the youngest of the Jacobson clan. A sweet nature and ready smile bely the cunning intellect of this brunette bravo. His ability to infiltrate your heart is legendary, and if you are not careful, he'll leave you cooing at his cuteness while he steals cookies right under your nose.

Ian Jacobson

Ian Edward Jacobson

Ian is a child determined to achieve his goals. Honesty runs strongly in this child and he'll often be found to repeatedly ask permission to do something he knows he shouldn't be doing. least he does ask.

Noah Jacobson

Noah Daniel Jacobson

Noah's red hair and freckles give everyone pause as they exclaim on his uniqueness. He's also ambidextrous, at least for now. He has amazing talent for drawing, a skill his parents encourage him to develop.

A very even-tempered child despite his hair color, Noah only shows signs of the infamous temper in the morning-best let him sleep.

Kenny Jacobson

Kennth Anthony Jacobson

The eldest of the four sons, Kenny has the heady title of '#1 son'. His parents try not to put the 'eldest child' weight upon his young shoulders and let him enjoy being a kid.

Kenny is an avid reader, often reading books more often seen in the hands of children five years older. His current interests include Harry Potter and Lemony Snicket.

Sara Jacobson

Sara Jean-Marie Jacobson

Sara is the beautiful wife of Randy and mother to their four sons. She is an avid reader, mudder, and enjoys geocaching in her free time.

Sara freelances as a web designer with her company, NotGoddess Designs (shameless plug).

Randy Jacobson

Randy Anthony Jacobson

Randy is a handsome fellow with a wicked sense of humor. He shows his character in his loving attention to his wife and children.

He also bakes the most wonderful homemade bread.